Corporate Information

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Company Statement

Company Information

We want to support as many people as we can
in their efforts to live healthy, fulfilling lives.

To do this, we quickly and reliably connect
both healthcare workers and regular people
to the latest medical information as it constantly evolves and changes.
We respond with highly specialized, up-to-date information
and communicate with the highest accuracy.
We use the most appropriate media and expressions
to effectively deliver our message.

Believing in the potential and power of our diverse associates,
we create communication as only we can.

In all we do, we aim to create solid connections
between healthcare and people.
Between medicine and society.

Believe in human.

President & CEO Masahiko Uchibori

Corporate Mission / Action Policy


Corporate Mission

  1. We engage in swift and accurate communication on medicines and medical treatment and create valuable information to contribute to society.
  2. Handling medical and healthcare information, COLBO's staffs create a company that they can be proud of, with high morals, ethics and a spirit of legal compliance.
  3. We evaluate our staff's skills and endeavors against market standards and repay their efforts and value with the rewards they deserve.
  4. We ceaselessly provide the support required for the well-being of all employees who are essential for our business development and social contributions.

Action Policy

  1. Embracing the pioneer spirit, we acquire the knowledge, technologies and creativity demanded by the market.
  2. We cooperate with each other, correct each other, and work together as one to steadily execute our mission.
  3. The basis of our business is the mental and physical health of our staffs. Healthcare management is every employee's responsibility.